Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sometimes it is the little things that matter. At a time when the flood situation in Bihar (thanks Prachanda) is getting grimmer by the day and the MSM is maintaining a complete blackout on the Nuclear deal (India is slowly but surely bartering away its National Interest for the sake of cronies) - the logo change for the Kendriya Vidyalaya schools may not seem very significant.The logo had been around for decades. It is implausible that the idea struck the HRD ministry all of a sudden. The actual reason is very simple - a group of very resolute individuals have embarked upon a mission of cleansing. Unless you go out hunting for Saffron with loads of resources, it is rather difficult to spot the innocuous Lotus flower in that logo.Funny that the world seems to have settled on the "Liberal Democratic Republic" as the final ultimate stable form for nation states. Not only that, they also claim that this is the most moral and ideal form of statehood. Incidentally, the sample size for this system is perhaps less than half a dozen and the idea has been around for only 60 - 100 years - a tiny blip in the history of modern humans. We don't have a problem with the "Liberal Democratic Republic" per se. We do have a problem with the fact that the arguments put forward in its support are essentially moral (in a dogmatic way) in nature. When it comes to religion, the proponents of this system make a complete volte face and reject dogma. Of course, only when it suits them.The system works well when it is derived from economic principles especially the value added concept and an inviolable socio-political contract known as the constitution. It also seems to work in a homogeneous population. It is only when you add things like secularism, liberalism and multiculturalism that the system comes under severe strain.The problem is that today there are very few nations where this fancy idea comes under any kind of stress test. So, what is your ideal of such a nation? Sweden? try again. Saudi Arabia? Oops, sorry, not a "Liberal Democratic Republic". Malaysia? Sri Lanka? Norway?Finally, after exhausting all the possibilities, you say Italy! and all hell breaks loose. Intellectuals have argued that when we finally arrive at that elusive ideal of a "Liberal Democratic Republic" (henceforth referred to as LDR), the notion of "our kind of people" will cease to exist. It is yet to be seen in practice. From Darfur to Georgia to Malaysia to Italy - people recognize a concept wholly external to the LDR ideals. Sometimes it is based on ethnic identity, sometimes it is religion.This unrecognized by intellectuals yet very real notion puts a great strain to the idea of LDR. As far as we can see, the resolution happens with the help of military or political might.One such strain occurred in a tribal district in Orissa, one of the poorest state in the Indian LDR.This resulted in MSM headlines such as "orphanage attacked, nun killed". The incident that lead to these headlines also happened to be an orphanage and a Sadhvi was killed. Reportedly a grenade was involved. But it was not until the second orphanage was set on fire that the incident made it to the headlines. Yet the MSM widely reported the first incident (as an insignificant footnote to the second) as "a VHP leader killed". No mention of orphanage or Sadhvi getting killed.Clearly, where a riotous mob of terrorists claim that "our Government is at the center" while they are murdering an 80 year old social worker, the idea of LDR is under strain. The LDR is also under strain when the news is not reported properly by the media.Of course, lies are implicit in the word liberal.

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